Free Xbox 360

Games with Gold is Microsoft’s attempt to counter Sony’s program, which gives members free games each month. With the program, Xbox Live Gold members are eligible to receive multiple free games on the Xbox Store every month.
Due to reader interest, we’ll catalog and archive the Games with Gold program here. How to Get Free Games Xbox Live Gold members must log-in to their consoles or the and “purchase” each free game at some point during its promotional period.
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Is exclusive to the Xbox 360 and, as of June 2014, the Xbox One. Generally, four games are released each month for approximately two weeks, two for each console. Two games are available during the first half of each month, and another two games during the second half. Note, however, that Microsoft occasionally changes this release schedule by, for example, releasing a single Xbox One game for an entire month, or by releasing more than two games per month for each platform.
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You don’t need to actually download a game during its period of availability to get it, but you must at least complete the free “purchase” online or via your console in order to qualify. Once a game’s promotional period has expired, it will cease to be free and return to its former price, but if you’ve “purchased” the game for free prior to this, it will be yours indefinitely. Games with Gold List To Date Below is a table listing all Games with Gold titles to date. Each title links directly to the marketplace, where Xbox Live members can log in and “purchase” the games during their free period without having to log into their consoles. “GWG Release” is the first day the game is free with the Games with Gold promotion, “Orig. Release” is the date the game was first released for Xbox, and “Reg. Price” is a game’s current price on the Xbox Store before the free promotion (not the game’s original retail price).
Title Platform GWG Release Orig.