Free Ged Programs In Chicago

Javascript required You must have Javascript enabled to use Google Maps. • May 2–15, 2017 • 12–12 am • 7825 S Racine • Chicago, IL 60620 • • • Employment Resource Center • FREE ADULT GED CLASSES Want to continue your education? Want to make more money? Want a better job?
If you answered YES, this may be for you! Registration/ Pretest Dates: Anytime between 10am – 4pm (Note: Please allow at least 45 minutes for registration) Summer Session registration ends on May 15, 2017 at 5pm You must be 18 yrs. Or older (or 17 yrs. Old with a high school release) Please bring proof of address, driver’s license or state ID, etc. Contact Cinque Cullar to register (773)783-3760 from 9am-5pm.
Do I need to take a GED class or receive instruction from a local prep center before I. Are there any additional state requirements for me to pass my GED test?
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After 5:00pm call (773) 483-4300 or email: St. Sabina Employment Resource Center 7825 S.
Racine Ave., Chicago, IL 60620.
General Information My name is Angioletta Maltbia, and I am the student services specialist in the adult education program at Prairie State College. Our program offers tuition free courses for individuals without a high school diploma who need to improve their basic skills in reading, writing, and math or prepare for the Illinois High School Equivalency exam. Paket unlimited telkomsel. The first step to this process is to register and take a free assessment to determine which classes best fit your educational needs. For more information about the exam, go online to. Registration Dates Monday, December 3, 9:30 a.m.
Tuesday, December 4, 9:30 a.m. Monday, December 10, 5 p.m. Tuesday, December 11, 5 p.m.
Classes begin: Monday, January 28, 2019. Registration begins promptly at times listed. 16-17 year old students must provide documentation proving formal withdrawal from high school. For more information, call (708) 709-7931. It is the policy of Prairie State College to provide, on a flexible and individualized basis, reasonable accommodations to students who have disabilities. Classes offer individuals who are non high school graduates, ages 16 and older, an opportunity to complete their high school equivalency studies that prepare them to take the GED® exam offered at Prairie State College. This certificate verifies attainment of high school level academic knowledge and skills.
Ged Testing In Chicago
• Classes are offered in English and Spanish and prepare students to take the GED exam, the nationally accepted equivalent of a high school diploma. The 2014 GED® exam is a four-subject test that measures skills required by high schools and requested by colleges and employers.
Chicago Free Online Ged Classes
The four subjects are Science, Social Studies, Mathematical Reasoning, and Reasoning through Language Arts. • Students must be able to read at a high school entry level for placement in a high school level class. Leawo keycode. • The Constitution exam is offered in English and Spanish for students who must fulfill this requirement to receive their high school equivalency certificate.