Best Place To Download Ps3 Isos
Click to expand.There is a problem either with your system or multiman or with your game. Likes I said before you should use ISO format anyway & place your ps3 games iso files in /dev_hdd0/PS3ISO or in a PS3ISO folder on an external ntfs drive. To generate an iso properly you could use Rudi Rastelli's ps3 iso tools, available for download in our Resources section. Multiman should list the JB games without problems though. Are you using multiman or mmCM (multiman Cobra mode)? And btw what CFW are you're using?
Are you using Cobra? If the cfw is Rebug, have you installed the Toolbox & setup the cfw features?
Watch the maze runner 2 on vodlocker. Welcome to PS3 ISO Net. Our goal is to provide you with a hassle-free way to get the most complete download links for all PS3 games out there. Right now we have over 1000 games (and still growing) in our sites all hosted on Make sure to get a premium account through one of our links to get the complete access to all our games.
In any case I think you should try another backup manager like Irisman or Managunz to begin with. You will see if it lists your game or not. If a second backup manager doesn't list your game it's likely that your game files are corrupted somehow or the path to the game files is wrong. Get your backup managers latest pkg in Click to expand.No problem. Cobra is not required to play JB folder games but with Cobra enabled, mmCM should list your games just fine. Not sure why you have this issue.
Ps3 Iso
Still I will say it again. It's much better to use Cobra & ISO games. There are various reasons for this choice that I won't explain here as I need to sign off but trust me, it's much better overall & long term. Btw it's good to know that you use a Cobra CFW but which one? Latest 4.81 version? And is multiman updated to the latest version? If you need more help, don't hesitate to ask.
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Best Place To Download Ps3 Isos

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